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Stash the other salary and use those funds to turbocharge your savings. Being a stay-at-home mom or dad is a full-time job, but it doesn’t pay a full-time paycheck. Discuss the big picture (retirement and college savings) and short-term money issues (hiring contractors or buying birthday party gifts). Many people think that only working individuals need life … Transportation. Guess Which Brand Topped Heinz, Why I Prefer a Spreadsheet to Track Expenses and Manage My Finances, Here’s a Simple Trick for Getting Credit Card Interest Charges Waived. Between taking the kids to school, doing the laundry and grocery shopping, picking up the kids, driving them to soccer practice and dance lessons, cooking dinner, making lunches and trying to keep the house clean, you’re likely strapped for time. Do not be intimidated or afraid to ask questions. CNBC personal finance correspondent Sharon Epperson is the author of “The Big Payoff: 8 Steps Couples Can Take to Make the Most of Their Money — and Live Richly Ever After" (HarperCollins). Term life insurance is relatively inexpensive. Here Are 9 Ways to Ensure You’ll Pay Too Much, 14 Unconventional Money Moves That Are Smarter Than You Think, Money, Freedom, and a Lesson on the Importance of Saving, 4 Good Reasons Why Some Quarters Are Painted Red, 8 Store Brand Items That Are Superior to Their Name-Brand Twins, Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? The age-old argument between stay-at-home moms and career women can go on for years. – Len Penzo dot Com, Black Coffee: Rock Covers Paper – Len Penzo dot Com, 6 Ways to Protect Yourself Financially In Case of Serious Injury, Grandfather Says: A Trophy for the Natural, A Guide on How to Earn Money with P2P Bitcoin Trading, Save More for Retirement: 5 Easy Steps to Greater Financial Security, More Clever Low-Cost Homemade Gifts Everyone Will Enjoy, Caught Ya! Also, develop connections with other stay-at-home moms. Have a back up copy or two. But you may be able to get supplemental insurance based on your paycheck. The same is true of being … This means that you have to allocate your monthly income more efficiently as a stay-at-home parent. When you become a stay-at-home parent, you ultimately give up a wide variety of things, and one of the things that you may no longer have is financial independence.Many parents who choose to stay home have a spouse or partner who is financially stable and willing to make the necessary financial sacrifices for a single-income family.Sooner or later, though, there will come a time when you … Much like an accountant will do from a tax perspective, a financial … Do Day Care Out of Your Home. All that costs money. Get used to how that will work. But don’t neglect another major job responsibility: managing your money. A joint checking account for household expenses probably makes sense for most couples, but separate your “fun money.” It’s important for a stay-at-home mom to have a bank account in her own name — and a separate credit card, too (just make sure to pay the balance in full each month). Keep a wish list of items you need and watch for good sale prices. 6. In order to have an idea of where you stand financially after divorce you need to figure … How I Live on Less Than $40,000 Annually: Ruth from Kansas – Len Penzo dot Com, Dirty Harry Teaches Us a Lesson on Opportunity Cost – Len Penzo dot Com, Understanding Life Insurance: Does a Superhero Like Batman Need It? Stay-at-home moms can earn some income by providing licensed day care right in their own homes. Money is often a taboo subject, even among the best of friends, but you may get some tips from other moms on how their families have adjusted to living on one income. Whether you're the primary breadwinner or supplement the income of your partner, when you lose one income, you'll have less money to pay the same number of bills. Stay at home parents should be listed on the banking accounts and credit accounts (including the mortgage) to maintain an active financial history, and should also consider getting life insurance. Go to to get quotes. Come up with your own financial plan, for yourself and your household. Before you join the nearly 6 million other stay-at-home moms in this country, learn all that you can about your new “job” and the financial impact it will have on your family. Also, be familiar with everything in your pantry before going to the store. If offered by your husband’s employer, definitely take advantage of their Flexible Spending Account, which allows you to put pretax dollars away for co-payments, prescriptions and over-the-counter medicines. Hi, I’m Carly! Yes, it’s a way to make easy money at home. I also noted that you refer to saving for "your" retirement. Related: Our Guide to Buying Life Insurance 2. Here’s the breakdown based on the household income: — 60% of the gross income goes to committed expenses (all taxes, including taxes withheld from pay, mortgage, utilities, car loans, credit card debts, etc. Tips For Being a Happy Stay-at-Home Mom 13 Habits of Highly Effective (and Sane) Stay-at-Home Moms. Every spouse, regardless of employment status can invest in an IRA. As a stay-at-home mom, you can take advantage of your time at home to prepare meals that are cheaper and even healthier. If you are able to afford a financial planner, make sure that they are aware of the inequities women face and are making your financial plans accordingly. Apply for an independent disability insurance policy before you leave your job. Don’t forget about the professional organizations and contacts you’ve made over the years. Tags: Money, Consumer, Parenting, Taxes, budget, financial planning. This little corner of the internet allows me to earn an income from home while being the primary and central influence on my kids in their formative years… and I hope to encourage and equip other moms to do the same, because I believe that on purpose – and present is one of the BEST things we can be as mothers. Once you have all the data in front of you, you can make an informed decision of what you can eliminate to create more Financial Freedom. When I returned home to Boston, it was a special occasion when we updated Mint to reflect just one rent expense and two professional-level salaries. Your email address will not be published. If you’re thinking about being a stay-at-home mom or dad, here are a few financial tips and considerations you’ll need to keep in mind: Determine your expenses. Deciding to stay at home to take care of the household full-time instead of working outside of the home is a decision usually reached after much thought. Sure, a stay-at-home mom’s job has significant value. Any worthwhile goal requires some sacrifice. 2) Maintain separate accounts. Pay off debt — for good. A: It kills me when stay-at-home moms sell themselves short. These 24 thank-you gifts will show your appreciation this holiday season. 5) Stay connected. Volunteer or consult on projects to build your resume for the job that you want to have down the road. Don’t know how to divide the pie? if you weren’t around. Marie Phillips at Family Money Values told us she did this back in the ’80s to pay for her education expenses (she went back to school to become a computer programmer). Make sure you and your husband know what’s in the plan and talk about your finances regularly. Here are some money tips stay-at-home moms should consider as it’s always good to be a little financially independent. Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t: Where To Invest Post Pandemic? Please check your email for further instructions. Advertisers pay to have their products tested by normal people like you. Also make certain that your husband’s health insurance policy (if one is provided by his employer) adequately covers you and your children. Don't let things expire, and plan meals around food items you already have. 3) Continue to save for retirement. You’re working harder than ever. Many aspects of financial matters are unique for women and should be taken into consideration in any financial plan. Be “in the know” of local, free activities. Do you have cable, internet, car insurance or a landline phone? Go to to open an HSA online. Ironically, for some families, the benefits of having an extra paycheck are often almost completely offset by additional taxes, childcare and other work-related expenses. Planning a Wedding? If it’s free, you should be there. 4) Make sure you’re adequately insured. Here are some professional tips for stay-at-home moms. Most often, it is a consensus that you and your partner have reached together.If you were previously employed, then your new financial situation will of course be different. Log in, Sign up for the weekly Len Penzo dot Com newsletter. (the online salary data provider) calculates that the average stay-at-home mom’s services (housekeeping, cooking, laundry, etc., and a huge amount of “overtime” hours) would amount to an annual income of $138,095. Thanks for subscribing! Budgeting for the Stay-At-Home Parent . Your group disability plan at work is not “portable”; you cannot take it with you when you quit. If you and your husband decide that you'll be the stay-at-home parent, his income needs to pay for both of your retirements. It may be difficult to keep your committed expenses to just 60% of your gross income, especially if you have a huge mortgage or significant credit card debt or student loans, but it’s a worthy goal. If you haven’t left your job yet, make sure you’ve thought through and planned emotionally — and financially — for what your stay-at-home life may entail. Before you join the nearly 6 million other stay-at-home moms in this country, learn all that you can about your new “job” and the financial impact it will have on your family. This definitely includes … Find other moms who are staying at home, working flextime or taking an extended maternity leave through organizations like Mothers & More (, an international network with 7,500 members, and MochaMoms (, a national group for women of color. (J carter/Pexels stock image) Do your children needs an extra allowance? Have a financial plan and review it regularly. If you are going to purchase items online use Ebates to save a bit of extra money. Use cash instead of credit/debit card After you create your monthly budget, set aside cash that you will be using for your necessities during the month such as groceries and other expenses. Car titles. If So, Calculate This Bill’s Tip, 6 Common Mistake People Make With Their 401k Plans, 19 Things Your Suburban Millionaire Neighbor Won’t Tell You, Dear Friend: Here Are 41 Reasons Why I’m NOT Lending You the Money, Why Your Expensive Luxury Car Doesn’t Impress Smart People, If You Can’t Live on $40,000 Annually It’s Your Own Fault, 21 Reasons Why Corner Lots Are for Suckers, 4 Smart Reasons Why College Isn’t for Everyone, 18 Fast Facts About Social Security Numbers, My Ketchup Taste Test: Upset! Do you need money for personal activities? Locate every playground … If you … No, it’s not a scam. Do a dry run, and live on one income for three months. Don’t rely on your spouse. Seriously. If you need ideas, read How to Start a Home-based Etsy Business . Set up alerts with Camelcamelcamel for price drops on Amazon. Especially while living so frugally, it felt good and rebellious to spend some guilt-free cash breaking the advice of every talk show financial adviser. When it comes to savings, definitely make sure you have your own account. These tips are for stay at home moms who know the importance of financial independence, but aren’t sure how to achieve it. Do not allow fear to make your decisions for you. On paper, jot down all expenses; tally how much you need for groceries, transportation, food, and other utilities on a monthly basis. You can contribute up to $4,000 this year ($5,000 if you’re 50 or older) to a Traditional or Roth Spousal IRA. You are working—you just aren't getting paid for it. If you’re following the 60% Solution, try allocating 5% of the gross household income into a “fun money” bank account for you and your husband. Put money in a Dependent Care Account; the pretax dollars can cover child care costs, including summer camp. Good news is, there are ways to earn money without leaving the house or sacrificing your time with the kids. If you’re a stay-at-home mom, here are five financial tips to help protect you and your family: 1. Deed to the house. The average worker spends a record high of 53.2 minutes per day, according to the most recent data from US Census Bureau, and most drive a single-occupancy vehicle.. Let’s make a conservative estimate that each commuter is driving about 30 miles. Look at this cute little family. Social security cards. You Don’t Need Two Incomes If you’re already at home, make sure you have saved at least three to six months of living expenses to cover household needs if you were sick or injured.And check to see if your husband has adequate disability insurance coverage. Even if you receive child support or alimony, you’re likely still going to … Pregnancy, Complications and One Salary. But Really, Here’s How to Become a Stay at Home Mom… I started with this in the beginning and I’m going to end with it – you need to live below your means. Adjust your spending habits. Fund a Spousal IRA for the Stay At Home Parent. For more information about preparing for divorce, check out our book: When It's Just Not Work: A Practical Divorce Guide for Stay-at-Home Moms. If there are any concerns about abuse, make sure a backup copy is somewhere your partner is unaware of, like a trusted family member’s home. Every couple, every individual, needs a financial plan. My Teenager’s Sly Attempt to Get His Own Credit Card. You never know when you might want to return to the work force. And again, if you want to become a stay at home mom, it’s really important to get into the habit of saving. If you have a 401(k) from your previous job, it’s already in your own name and should be put into a Rollover IRA after you’ve left the company to give you more flexibility with your investments. Figure out how much money your family would need to cover child care costs, housekeeping, cooking, etc. Moms are a crazy-important demographic and your voice matters! ), — 10% to short-term/emergency savings (goal: to cover three to six months of living expenses), — 20% to long-term/retirement savings (including 401(k)s, IRAs, college savings plans), — 10% for “fun money” (spend it on anything you want). When you become a stay at home mom, you get to say goodbye to your commute and hello to more time and money in your life. A single salary must cover the household expenses AND contribute to savings for emergencies and for retirement (for both of you). An HSA lets you set aside pretax earnings and make withdrawals tax-free for health care costs. 20 Financial Tips for Young Adults; How to Book a Hotel Without a Credit Card; 20 Stay at Home Mom Business Ideas for Busy Moms; The Top 20 Frugal Living Tips with a … This makes it difficult for some one-income families to earn enough money to pay for things they need, let alone grow their savings. You may find another budding entrepreneur or consultant in the group. Consider a high-deductible insurance plan that allows you to open a Health Savings Account. Open a Spousal IRA. Keep socking money away in your retirement nest egg. “Make it fun and educational,” Phillips said. Now that you’re not working outside of the home and are relying on one income, having a roadmap to help make money decisions will be critical to ensure you reach your financial goals. Here are some Stay-at-home Mom Financial Tips: Create a Budget. The only requirement is that the reported earned income on your federal tax return is at least equal to any annual contributions into an IRA. If you’re just doing a dry run or already are at home full time, here are five steps to help you manage your money: 1) Set a budget. 3 Ways Stay-At-Home Moms Can Invest for Retirement The motherhood penalty can be reduced with planning and fiscal discipline. Set a limit and stick to it. 529s give you a tax shield, so it’s the best way to save money for them. You gave up the commute, deadlines and office politics to navigate a job that is often even more difficult and demanding: being a stay-at-home mom. Get a life insurance policy on yourself. The policy will remain in effect while you’re out of the work force as long as you keep paying the premiums. While these tips are relevant for stay-at-home parents, every mom should carefully consider how well she is financially protected. Tips on How to Survive Divorce as Stay-at-Home Mom from a Professional. Renegotiate Your Contracts. Full-time stay at home mom, full-time blogger. Try the “60% Solution” as a guide to help you decide how much of your household income to spend and save. Get informed. Estimate how much life insurance to buy. Step back into the workforce. Money fights can be kept to a minimum when you don’t have to account for personal purchases. By Annalyn Kurtz , Contributor Oct. 27, 2017 Live on one income for three months. If you have to finance it, you likely can’t afford it. But the reality is that when you are living on one income, all of the expenses and savings will come from one check. May 27, 2018 by Denise Stirk. Don’t forgo buying life insurance just because you’re not working. You can use Etsy to sell anything you make or procure; starting an online business can give you financial independence and freedom. Just because you’re not working outside the home doesn’t mean you have to forgo your retirement savings. However, it’s essential when everything you pay for — and save for — comes from one income. Coming up with a spending plan or household budget is extremely important, whether there are one or two paychecks coming in. Use apps like GasBuddy to track the lowest gas prices in your area. T know how to Survive Divorce as stay-at-home mom, here are five financial tips Create! — comes from one check let alone grow their savings Create a budget up a! ( for both of you ) or dad is a full-time paycheck neglect another major job responsibility: your! Funds to turbocharge your savings or a landline phone your '' retirement savings and... By providing licensed day care right in their own homes by providing day. Some money tips stay-at-home moms can earn some income by providing licensed day care right in their homes. 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