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Argumentative Paper Format *Please note that this is only a sample format. Finally, you can bring your reader into the argument by giving real-life examples that would make the reader think your ideas are relevant and interesting. Types of Arguments. A thesis should make a specific claim about a topic that can be defended with reason and evidence. Social sciences might employ a variety of research methods, including interviews, data collection and analysis, and reviews of academic literature and theory. What should I start with? If possible, I suggest a real story, but it could also be a made-up story, which I call a "typical scenario" which would explain the problem and make it vivid for the reader. Question: How does a writer bring the reader into their argument? Question: How do I start an argumentative essay with the topic "Parents are to be blamed for human trafficking in children?". The introduction to your argumentative essay is just one paragraph long, but it has a lot to do with how successful your paper is. Question: My argumentative research is about the negative impacts of social media on children. Then give percentages of young people who are incarcerated. Answer: You can start with a conversation between an older person and a younger person. Traditional Schooling"? Firstly, best website that has helpful article and explain the procedure step by step. A thesis statement typically makes up the last sentence of your introduction paragraph and provides a roadmap to your paper. Example: Should students have to write essays in 20 minutes? She specializes in helping people write essays faster and easier. What objections will your readers have? Answer: You start a thesis by asking a question. How do i write an argumentative essay on the question "do you agree or disagree that town planning is influenced by the environmental challenges", Really useful information about writing argumentative essay....I have benefited a lot from them. Your answer to this question is your thesis. What causes children to become trafficked? Question: How do I start the argumentative essay on the topic "Why have hut houses faded in Micronesia?". What other positions do people take on this subject? What can I do? 3. Answer: Argumentative writing is trying to persuade someone about your point of view. What I like about her work is that she takes the issue in a different direction by interviewing many women who have had abortions to find out what they really thought at the time that they were facing this crucial decision and how their decision affected them afterward. Argument essay topics can be found everywhere. So you can start an essay with a real-life story, something from the news, an example you made up, a conversation or even interesting statistics and questions. You can make headings by making a short version of your topic sentence in each paragraph. Answer: Conclude your thesis with what you want your reader to take away from your argument. Nice article to write the argument essay for academic students. It is important to make sure that your essay has a natural and logical flow. To what extent do you agree with this opinion?". Answer them with argument or evidence. The answer you give to the question would be your thesis. Developing a creative, original title is a fantastic … I've heard some interviews of her and you could look those up to give you some quotes. Turn the topic into a question. Readers are more easily persuaded if they can empathize with your point of view. “A 2017 study on the local effects of minimum wage increases in Seattle, New York State, and California found that certain sectors of the economy — most notably food and durable goods– experienced small but significant increases in both consumption and prices. In answering the question, you can also tell the reader the focus of your paper, in this example, you let the reader know you are focusing on the preparation for marriage in order to prevent divorce. These will be your topic sentences. I’m having a hard time with this one. Each body paragraph should follow the same general structure, beginning with a topic sentence that makes a supporting claim followed by evidence gathered through research. Question: Do argumentative essays have headings? Here are some possible questions: 1. Next tell the statistics of trafficking of children. In his spare time, he enjoys traveling, playing guitar, and writing songs. How to Start an Argumentative Essay Your introductory paragraph should be crafted around your thesis statement, providing background information needed to understand your argument and presenting pieces of evidence … These components include a compelling topic, a … To this point, writers should always address the counterarguments and evidence that goes against their conclusions. Sam Benezra is a graduate of Ohio University with a B.A. Depending on the field of study you are working in, the type of research you do may vary. It will certainly help improve my writing. You can begin to construct your argument by formulating your position and beginning to organize evidence in support of it. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on October 28, 2018: Hi Ansumana, debate questions need to be issues that have more than one answer. (Value), What can you do to make your marriage divorce-proof? Economists on the right contend that an increased minimum wage would cause an increase in unemployment that would offset gains caused by an increased minimum wage.”. Answer: It depends on whether you are writing an argument or a problem solution essay. If I were writing an essay on this topic, I would probably start with a story about what convinced me to buy those new shoes, or how I imagined those shoes would enhance my life! An argument … Rose Bell from Toronto on October 20, 2018: Very good.you are a great guide. Now that you have your evidence organized into different topics, you can start to build your outline. Generally, essays are written to help other people and not just yourself; however, many people have this problem and if you are experiencing it with your own child, it can be very helpful to research and find out the variety of solutions that other people have tried. Question: How about this topic for an essay: My toddler Is resisting bedtime and naps. Generally speaking, it is best to write about topics of interest or significance to the public. Convince them that your side is the best one to take. What were some of your successes and failures in persuading others? 2. They also need to be something that people disagree about. My favorite book on this issue is called "Real Choices" by Frederika Matthews-Green. Virginia has been a university English instructor for over 20 years. The first step in the process of writing any kind of essay is to select the topic you are writing about. Question: How do I start an argumentative essay on "college career and success in Nigeria?". Additionally, college students are assumed to be good at writing a high-quality argumentative … Question: How do I start an argumentative essay titled "juvenile offenders should be given a second chance"? Structuring Your Argument 1 Create a catchy title. Argumentative writing is commonly used in academic writing in the humanities and social sciences. The thesis should state your position and is usually the last sentence of your introduction. Is phone "phubbing" a real phenomenon and does it matter? The keyword is "introduce." Conclude with an appeal to the readers to include this in the school curriculum and an explanation of why that will help the school and pupils. You could even give several stories in a sentence or two each. I am so grateful for this work. Answer: You need a topic question and then your thesis will be the topic answer that will help you develop your essay. This, however, is only one piece of evidence. After reading through the article I find myself able to formulate a good thesis statement. 6. Answer: I love this question because I had Olympic runner Trayvon Bromell in my class a few years ago and he wrote an essay about Nike shoes being the best (he was endorsing Nike at that time). Kathryn L Hill from LA on November 21, 2011: I am so happy to see what you have brought to us! Think about a question people have about political power, such as: “How can we make sure the government doesn’t abuse political power?” Start your essay with a story about the problem. How does being raised in two cultures change a person's sense of identity? Appeal to the reader's emotions. Appeal to the reader's emotions, morals, character, or logic. Then, they redress some of the evidence that they have presented throughout the essay, identifying areas where further research is needed. In fact, everyone now could write one with such an ease and confidence. The background should transition smoothly into your main argument. So, I think that to persuade, the most important thing is to, first of all, think about your audience carefully. To be effective, an argumentative essay must contain elements to help persuade the audience to see things from your perspective. To what extent do you agree with this opinion?". An argumentative essay is typically written in one of two formats, the Toulmin model or … Example: Question (used for title): What is the best way to make your marriage divorce-proof? What is the importance of the ubiquitous beauty of social media also being a blight? But will you please guide me more on how to write to debate questions on West African Certificate Examination (WACE)? 4. Answer: Begin with a typical story, or your own story, about deciding whether to go to college or a story about the difficulties of doing well in college studies. Your hub page has really helped my writing. What are the events that lead you to your argument? Answer: Your question is a kind of argumentative essay called a problem solution essay. Question: How can I connect the topic sentences? In an argument essay, what you really need is: an answer (your answer, plus what other people would answer), reasons why the other answers aren't as good as yours. I am for ERF, I am just unsure how to make it an argument essay? Another quality of a good debate question is it has to be something that people care about. Argumentative writing is an evidence-based approach to essay writing, in which the writer gives an argument and supports their position through the presentation of supporting evidence. Your statement above would be one of the possible answers. What is the value of culture in forming a person's identity? I am in 8th grade. Does having children prevent divorce? Moreover, argumentative essays are almost always written in the third person and avoid subjective voicings. Question: How do I start an argumentative essay on the topic, "Do people who commit heinous crimes deserve the death penalty?". This was very helpful. For example, if you want to agree with this quote, you could say: John Jones spoke the truth when he said, "It is a grand mistake to think of being great without goodness, and I pronounce it as certain that there was never a great man that was not at the same time truly virtuous." i am writing an argumentative essay about should animals be kept in zoos this very helpful! I have several different articles on persuasion that you might want to look at for ideas and examples. Should smokers have to pay more on health insurance? Argumentative Essay Examples For College Students. If you chose the second one, you might want to make the language more dramatic to showcase your point of view. Inspire the reader to agree with your argument. While there is nothing wrong with engaging writing, in argumentative essay writing, the writer should pursue clarity above flourish. Argumentative essay writing: Interesting topic ideas. If so, your conclusion can be what you discovered in trying the different techniques. Most types of questions fall into one of 5 categories: fact, definition, cause, value, or proposing a solution. Answer: I have an article that gives you all of the information about MLA citation and also gives you the links to more help: https://owlcation.com/academia/MLA-Citation-Guide. Question: How can I write a thesis statement for my argumentative essay? The conclusion can also provide the writer with an opportunity to suggest areas for further research. It is a genre of writing that requires you to do considerable research on a topic, collect evidence and data, evaluate your findings, and defend the resolution to your whole argumentative … 4. A strong thesis should also preview how an author intends to present and defend their argument in the rest of the paper. Thank You. The conclusion in many ways mirrors the introduction. An argumentative essay follows the same structure as any other type of essay. When you hear the word ‘argument,’ it is usually an image of a nasty quarrel that comes to mind first. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on September 03, 2019: Hi Anna- if you have an opinion on that topic, then you have an "argument." What makes this statement stronger (and more appealing) is the reference to studies that will back up your argument. Leave the actual argument and analysis for the body paragraphs. Answer: Start with a story of a situation which would lead someone to ask that question. At the beginning, the author restates their thesis with attention to the evidence presented in the body of an essay. It really comes from my experience in teaching students to write rather than from a textbook. What is an argumentative essay? I went back to the same NB model I'd been wearing since 1991 and the pain eventually went away. The rest of the article should be the answer to that question. 3. Rather, it is a statement of a position that can be supported by facts. Answer: Both ways can be appropriate. Roadmap: An additional way to make a strong thesis is to do a "Roadmap" which tells in just a few words the three or more main points you will cover. Present hypotheticals. The purpose of the argumentative essay introduction is to help … I read this article the night before my exam and took notes and it really helped me study as me English teacher had not taken this but had said that it would be a part of the exam. There are three different types of arguments that you can use in your essay. Answer: My most popular article, Easy Sentence Starters, (https://hubpages.com/academia/Words-to-Use-in-Star... explains how to use transition words effectively to connect all of your ideas, including the topic sentences. Perhaps you can use a "Black Friday" sale story or vivid picture as an opening illustration. Answer: You would conclude with your final opinion, your answer to this question. Answer: I always suggest that people start an essay with something that illustrates the topic vividly and gets the reader interested. Does passing the WACE test mean a person is ready for University? It ties the whole piece together. Support each of these reasons with logic, examples, statistics, authorities, or anecdotes. I have to do a lot of argument essays at the moment for my course, and I sometimes have a tricky time working out how to structure them - this hub is going to help me so much with making my arguments clearer. Question: How do I come up with a title for my essay? This is the most popular argument strategy and is the one outlined in this article. However, you could write an article about: Why are there more people in China than in other countries? That enables me to make arguments that are meaningful to other people and also helps me to be sure of what I really do believe. Structure your argument. However, as the research presented in this paper makes clear, a minimum wage would help alleviate much of the economic stress currently facing lower-income workers and reduce the ever-widening wealth gap.”. Adding some facts or statistics to that is also helpful to show the scope of the problem. More often than not, however, this leads to writing sounding dense, overcomplicated, and confusing. Many young writers and students add a lot of flourish to their writing to “sound smart” or mimic academic-sounding writing. (Definition), How important is it for couples to avoid divorce? No matter your major, at some point during your college career, you will likely be asked to write an argumentative essay. Writing twenty minute essays is helpful for learning to write quickly but does not teach students to think clearly, develop strong arguments, or fully think out answers. Thank you for this great guide for me. My topic question is "Can disabled people achieve success in their life?". Instead of attempting to appeal to commonalities, however, this strategy attempts to use clear logic and careful qualifiers to limit the argument to things that can be agreed upon. Answer: You can bring your reader into your argument by stating questions that your reader might have and then answering those questions. End your story with one of the following questions (which one depends on the focus of your topic): How can a college student in Nigeria be successful? I want to thank you so much for this artical. Some economists have pointed to stagnant wages as symptoms, or even a cause, of a trend of deepening inequality that has beset the U.S. economy since the 1980s. Argumentative essays tend to follow a general structure featuring an introduction containing a thesis, body paragraphs containing evidence, and a conclusion outlining broader implications. Whether you’re writing an essay for school, work, or for fun, an argumentative essay needs to persuade your readers into believing that your standpoint on an issue is their best possible option. Think about your audience—what aspects of this issue would most interest or convince them? How important are fathers? In this strategy, you present the problem, state your solution, and try to convince the reader that your solution is the best solution. Question: How do I start an argumentative essay on "There has been a rising voice for Nobel committees to consider gender diversity in addition to work quality when nominating scientists. 3. Argumentative Essay Writing Tips For writing a perfect argumentative paper, here are some tips that you can consider to formulate your ideas into a cohesive presentation. Clustering Write a brief explanation (phrase or short sentence) of the subject of your argumentative essay on the center of a piece of paper and circle it. 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